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April Showers Bring May Tours And How We Became a Crossword Puzzle

How cool is this? Our friends over at The Collabative in Greensboro, NC made a crossword puzzle out of our life as a teeny-tiny folk band! It looks pretty hard, actually, so get out your pencils, put on your thinking cap and give it a try. It’ll make you smarter.

We’ve got a lot of exciting shows coming up in May that we’d like to make you aware of. First off, Saturday, May 3rd we’ll be opening up for Folk Soul Revival and Guthrie Brown and The Family Tree at Nashville’s very own 12th and Porter. Come on out to what’s bound to be a full house and a good time with some bands we’re excited to get to know. Get you tickets here!

We’ve gotten to know some great folks out in Greensboro, NC, specifically Melody Watson and Kris Ferris, two great souls and supporters of music and art. They started up The Collabative a little while back, which is a really fun way for artists, musicians and audiences to collaborate in a really natural way. On Tuesday, May 6th, they’re hosting us and Nikky Talley/Jason Sharp for what is bound to be a pretty awesome show. If you are in the area, we’d love you to come out. C’mon! They even made us a crossword!

Thursday, May 8th we’re playing a house show up in Charlottesville at our soon to be friend Monica’s house.

One of the best days of our touring life happens on Saturday, May 17th when we play two of our favorite shows on the same day. In the morning, at 9AM, we’re in Knoxville for the International Biscuit Festival, which is really everything you hoped it would be. But get there early or all the biscuits get eaten. And then, after we play (and eat some gluten-free biscuits) we drive through the beautiful smoky mountains with a bag of boiled peanuts, and play at Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company in Casheirs, NC. Come see us if you’re in Knoxville or in Casheirs!

Is that all? No! On Friday, May 23rd, we play at Moonlight on the Mountain, the kindest, warmest, listening room in Birmingham, Alabama. We’re not sure if we keep booking there because we really like Keith, the venue owner and the stories he tells us over breakfast, or because we like the audience that comes out. Either way, it’s win/win for us.

Well, we hope to see you this May! Tour dates and plans are being added to the calendar as we speak, so check back in often.

Be well!

Scott and Mallory

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