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Writer's pictureThe Rough & Tumble

Pieces for You.

Here is the important business:

Pre ordering for your copy of Pieces and Pieces is happening right now, and if we hadn't told you, you nearly would have missed it. Except that probably (hopefully) all of your friends would have tried to tell you. Be a good friend, tell your friends, just in case they aren't reading this. And you can tell them this: Pre ordering for your copy of Pieces and Pieces is happening right now.

Everything is all set for March 1st release-- iTunes, Spotify, you name it. And our March 2nd show at Tennessee Shines is getting closer, too. Sure, an extra day away, but 24 hours can move incredibly fast.

Concluding important business, here is your direct link:

That should make it easy.

Here is less official business: we are practically professors these days. Yesterday we had the chance to hang with a few students at Montreat College, who will be aiding us and producer Matt Langston to record a few tunes next week at Echo Mountain in Asheville. By professors, we mean that we sometimes sit in classrooms and we are older than everyone else there. Prepare your social media for hilariously mundane pictures of The R&T playing instruments behind glass windows.

We are waiting for the grass to unthaw so we can stop slipping down the hill of our super secret mountain hideaway (ie, our friends' house who are letting us stay). We are still safe and warm, and Butter is herself (ie, perpetually starving). We are practicing our songs for a couple of shows in the area (check the website for details) and eating lots of vegetables. Occasionally, Scott reads Mallory an exceptionally sad poem and they think of the half written song they've been meaning to finish.

We hope all is well in your land-- that your vegetables are fresh and your poems are all impossible not to share.

Peacefully yours,

The R&T

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