Happy New Year! One of our favorite holidays is New Year's Day-- the 24 hours we can spend holding last year's regrets with this year's promises in the same hand. We usually spend it pouring over our goal lists and trying to get some fresh air, dreaming of all the sugar plum fairies from which we aren't going to ask for sweets, and instead turn to the Earth (and the fridge) for the nutrients we really need to get through another year.
Our friend and fan, Adam, up in Brookings, SD once referred to us as Vegetable Ambassadors. We've since taken the job very seriously. It's not hard for us to tuck broccoli or parsnips or tomatillos into a dish. So it'll come as no surprise that this month's Rumbly Tummy is jammed with green goodness to help you sneak veggies into your New Year's diet, too.
The only tool you'll need is a blender. This particular smoothie is one of our very favorites, and has a slight Thai feeling to it with the ginger and peanut butter. Of course, for those with peanut allergies, supplement your nut or seed spread of choice (almond? sunflower? pepita?). Or omit it altogether and add less water.
Best of luck, best of spirit, and best of health for your new year. And now, for January 2020's edition of The Rumbly Tummy: Green Smoothies.
Green Smoothies
serves 2
3 TBSP chia seeds, soaked 5 minutes ahead of time in 1/2 c water
3 large kale leaves, ripped up
2 celery stalks, broken
1 carrot, broken
1 apple, core removed
1 orange, peeled
1 banana, peeled
4 dates, pits removed (soaked for 1 hour, if time)
1/4 c peanut butter
2" piece of ginger, peeled

1. Place all ingredients except chia seeds & ice in blender. Blend until very smooth. Add water a TBSP at a time if too thick-- but don't water it down too much!
2. Add handful of ice, blend til cold and broken down.
3. Pour half of chia seeds into two cups, split evenly. Pour smoothie over chia seeds, split evenly in each cup. Stir so chia is evenly distributed. Drink up!