Well, in case you missed it, last week's Double Americana was picturesque. We played the song everybody knows, "Home on the Range," because it was literally our experience, except that there were a few clouds on our first day. We were camped in Badlands National Park in South Dakota for a few days, enjoying some time to ourselves. The temperature had dropped and felt like Fall, the prairie dogs were chittering all around our camper driving our road dogs crazy, and the bighorn sheep were out sunning themselves on the peaks and spires that make up the jagged horizon of the badlands. We just happened to be there the week that the park rangers were herding about 1,500 bison right by our campsite with a low-flying helicopter. It was a pretty exciting camping trip. So, if you would dim the lights, we can start our brief slideshow presentation.

Now we're in the Black Hills before we head further west on our cross-country year and today we thought it appropriate to perform for you an old song of our own, "The Rambler." We wrote this as a sort of theme song for the 2015 music, story and art anthology, Based On: Words, Notes and Art From Nashville, which was conceived of and brought to life by Chuck Beard of East Side Storytellers. You can listen to the studio version of the song on Our Bandcamp Page. It was produced by our very own Dave Coleman in his East Nashville studio and was the first time we got to work with him before he produced our Upcoming Record! We know a lot more about The Rambler since we packed up in 2015 and started rambling ourselves and it's real fun for us to revisit this song we rarely play.
We're going to be in Casper and Laramie Wyoming this next week before we head down for a few shows in Colorado and Utah. If you're out that way or know people out that way, come on out to a show! Have you signed up on our mailing list? It's one of the easiest ways to stay up to date.
Also, if you want to host a house show in the new year and happen to be in CA, AZ, NM or TX, shoot us an email. Heck, if you want to host a house show in the new year and you live ANYWHERE, shoot us an email.
Love to you all!
The Rough & Tumble